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Commercial Diving Q and A Forum

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Specialist Forums > Commercial Diving Q&A Forum
Posted : August 5, 2014
Are there any specific skills that diving contractors are in short supply of.
I am 25 looking to become a commercial diver and just trying to gather as much information as possible. I have been a recreational instructor for a number of years now. I've read threads on this forum and others that commercial divers are not as widely required. And there are still plenty without work. Someone who is looking to invest potentially £20k into a qualification, I would need to know there was going to be sufficient amounts of work to warrant this figure. I mean is their work if your a person who's always striving for further opportunities?

Any information would be greatly appreciated
Kind Regards
Adam T

Posted : August 28, 2014
It’s worth reading an article on our blog : from one of our diving instructors – he makes the point that there is work available but you have to put in the work to look for it. You do need to be very proactive, as work won’t walk up to your door, but there is work available. In the UK alone you’ve got the renewables sector now as well as the civils sector, and then once you’ve built up experience there are many years of life left in the North Sea – and that’s just talking about the UK nevermind opportunities around the world. Diving contractors will always look for evidence of practical skills – one of our past students got a job because he had experience working with concrete as a labourer, and the job involved a lot of concreting.
Answer provided by Alf Leadbitter, The Underwater Centre

Alf Leadbitter
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