The Underwater Centre


Commercial Diving Q and A Forum

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Specialist Forums > Commercial Diving Q&A Forum
Posted : August 4, 2007
How employable would I be if I completed 'the construction career package' at your centre?
I would also like to know what the going pay rate is for someone who has recently completed this package?
Posted : August 7, 2007
.Thank you for your interesting question. Right at the moment we are in a glut of work and a shortage of divers therefore employability prospects are good. However it is down to the individual to secure work and keep it. If you have a track record of not being able to get work it is not likely to change by becoming a diver. The most difficult job is normally the first one. You are in the words of the industry a baby diver and not trusted until you prove you have the capabilities to work. By doing the construction package you are given tasks to do and this should give you a better start into working in the water. You do not get many chances to prove yourself and you need the first ones to go well. However attitude and a commitment to get the job done is the main thing employers are looking for.

As for wages there is a considerable variation and a lot depends on who you know where you are the time of the year and luck. Most students who left the last course which is about the best time of the year and looked for work were pulling in jobs of between £100 and £300 per day. Remember you only get paid for the days you work.
Answer provided by Alf Leadbitter, The Underwater Centre

Alf Leadbitter
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